Chenee' Gilbert

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Don’t Let Your Emotions Keep you Hostage!

Have you ever wondered why it’s easier to ignore or sink into negative emotions rather then put in the work to push through them?

I remember those days where I held on to a grudge and waited on apologies. I didn’t realize that it was beginning to cloud my decision making and affect my attitude. I don’t know about you but I hate being sad and frustrated for long periods of time.  Over the years I’ve put a few perimeters in place that prompt me to become accountable with the decisions I make. If it relates to a person or a situation I ask myself: Is it or will they add value to my mind, body, or spirit? If the answer is no, I simply let it go and move on. If my negative emotions are a result to a personal loss, then I seek the appropriate help/strategies to implement on a daily or weekly basis.

You see we must put in the work to be our Best- Self!  You might ask, “What does my Best- Self look like?” There’s no definitive answer. However, you will never know unless you do a better job at controlling what & who you allow into your space.  If you are not in a good place mentally or emotionally don’t hang around others with the same characteristics. Instead, surround yourself with individuals who represent the positive and stable mind set you strive to embody.

What are some of the steps you take to work through your negative emotions?